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5 myths and realities of the Coronavirus

What you must know to take care of your health during the pandemic

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20 mar 2020

In Guatemala there are several cases confirmed of this virus, and over 300 people in state of quarantine. Around the world many countries have made the decision of closing their borders and keep the people isolated at their homes.

However beside the efforts of the government authorities and medical institutions, there are still many that believe certain myths from the virus and the way it’s spread:


1. In warmer weather the virus doesn’t spread

This is actually not true, the warmer weathers helps the virus weaken fast, and it’s easier to eliminate.

Besides, there are a few confirmed cases in several countries of the african continent, but the epidemic has not progressed as much as in other countries like china and around Europe.

2. There is a vaccine that prevents the virus

Many people assured in social media that there was a vaccine created to prevent the virus of COVID-19 from entering the system.

Other sources claimed that the Influenza vaccine could actually protect you from this virus.

The reality is that there are several laboratories around the world working tirelessly to create a vaccine as fast as possible.

3. I should not receive mail or packages from other countries

Thanks to some experiments and analysis made, we know that this type of virus can’t actually survive a lot of time in letters or packages.

So actually getting a package from other country that is infected doesn’t necessarily means you will get the virus yourself.

4. Pets can actually contract and transmit the virus

There are not cases of domestic animals that have contracted the virus until today.

What is recommended is that you wash your hands or use sanitizer after you touch or have contact with any pets, but this is just a preventive measure.

5. There is a quick exam to check if you have the virus

There are no easy tests that in a matter of minutes can actually tell you if you have or not the virus.

The only official test is the analysis known as PCR. In our country only public hospitals and some private health institutions have access to this type of laboratory tests.